Information Technology

Change Password

Keep Your Accounts Safe

Password requirements are:
  • Must not contain your account name or parts of your full name that exceed two consecutive characters.
  • Must not be the same as any of the last three you used.
  • Must be between 12 and 32 characters long.
  • Must contain a number (0 through 9)
  • Must contain TWO of the following THREE:
    1. An English uppercase character (A through Z)
    2. An English lowercase character (a through z)
    3. A non-alphabetic character (for example: @, #, %, $, etc.) Note: not all special characters may be used
Your password was changed successfully!
If Outlook or OWA is currently running, please close and reopen it to ensure your email continues to function properly.
NOTE: For staff who log into their laptop computers with their email user ID and password and are changing their password from off campus, you must logoff and logon again from your computer while connected to the University network (from on campus) for the passwords to sync to your new password. Otherwise, login to your laptop with the old password until the logoff/logon can be completed from on campus.

(Login HelpForgot Password )

Mandatory fields marked *

Change Password
Secret Question
To provide a secure method of resetting the password yourself, you must select a question and supply an answer. You will be asked this question if you forget your password and wish to reset the account.